Hi there,
I have this Desktop computer (Dell OptiPlex 7010) which features eSATA port, I connected an external drive, it is shown in the explorer but it is not opening, I have tried troubleshooting but am getting nowhere, other USB ports seem to be working okay, what could be the problem with the eSATA port? And how does this port work?
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ESATA port not working properly
There are several ways that can solve your issue:
Check the Power and Data Cable.
This type of error mostly happens when the data cable and the power line is having problem. Be sure that those are OK.
Check the drive partition
1. Go to Start menu >> All programs >> Accessories >> Command Prompt.
2. From the Explorer, find out the drive letter assigned for the hard drive.
3. Run the following command:
format x:
If it says that your drive is inaccessible, your drive is damaged and become a piece of junk. If not, format your drive and you will become able to access the drive.
For further info, you can get help from this page.