EStock Card Installation: Side-by-side configuration is incorrect

Hello team,

Hello team,
Hello Davis,
That sounds like an error due to a dependency on msvcrt80 dll. Check the event log and see if you can find the following error message: "Resolve Partial Assembly failed for Microsoft.VC80.CRT. Reference error message: The referenced assembly is not installed on your system."
You can try doing a re-format as well as re-installing Visual Studio 2005.
Hi Davis,
Your system is missing the required C++ runtime component and this is required for the system that you are having. It must be either x64 or x86 type of operating system. You need to update visual C++ 2008 SP1 redistribution package with the latest. However, at the time of selecting this one, you need to make sure the type of operating system that you are having. It is different for x64 and x86 type of operating system.
Waters Magner