Etherpad lite for linux ?

How to use this Etherpad lite in Linux systems? How to install this tool and what features it has additionally from existing notepads?

How to use this Etherpad lite in Linux systems? How to install this tool and what features it has additionally from existing notepads?
Dear user,
Below is the YouTube video where you can have instructions. Step by step on how to install either pad Lite on Linux
also this program consists of many additional features than a normal notepad
such as,
Password protection
Auto saves
Automatically markup JavaScript
And many more.
Thank you
Dear User,
Actually you don’t need to install it. It is a web based tool.
Follow the link: to create new one.
Otherwise, after downloading etherpad lite you need to setup a node.js server for that but people generally use this online. Now the question comes- “How to?”. Nothing difficult to do. All the details are stated here:
Thank you!
Here are the steps how you can install Etherpad Lite on Linux. First, you need to install the prerequisites. Use this command to install:
Next is to install NPM and nodeJS.
This is the part where the actual installation of Etherpad Lite takes place and running it afterwards.
Here, installing Etherpad Lite is finished and it should be running. You can access it from “http://localhost:9001”. If you have an older version of Linux Ubuntu or Debian, you need to install sqllite from backports. Open “/etc/apt/sources.list” and add without quotes “deb lenny-backports main”. Save and close the file.
Run the following commands:
If you encounter an error, run the command without quotes “rm -Rf node_modules” and execute the startup script again, In case these steps no longer work because of a much updated environment, please visit Official Install Documents by Etherpad Foundation for much up-to-date instructions.