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Posted on - 10/26/2011
My question is regarding IT/business agility. What is the best path in reaching the best and ultimate objective of being agile? Which is more efficient, the Evolutionary Path or the Revolutionary Path? Please send me a better explanation for this. Thank you very much.
Evolutionary and Revolutionary Path to reach IT Agility
There are many different situations in which one prefers the evolutionary path over the revolutionary path. It solely deepens on what type of business you are doing. What is the nature of your business? Where it stands as compared to the rest of the competitors in that specific field?
Does your business holds the monopoly in the market. Is your business the price maker or price taker in the market? These are all the questions that must be answered first and then the path should be decided. I would discuss both the paths shortly for you. Evolutionary path is safer path as you proceed gradually and taking the business step by step without rushing into anything. This will probably demand a lower CAPEX. The adoption of one new technology leads to another and so on thus pursuing a roadmap. It may don't reinvent your organization or firm and it won't demand abrupt implementation of process and tools so it is more reliable.
Revolutionary path refers to a path where you take steps abruptly and rapidly making huge revolutionary business decisions that will have major consequences both in positive and negative sense. Every time you adopt this type of strategy it involves a new component called risk. It also demand a higher investment as you'll not be able to use your actual infrastructure. Adopting this strategy will cause a temporary disorder in the environment of your business and there will be something’s that need to be handled outside the book of rules and regulations.
But, once adopted and implemented, it may speed up the process of business prosperity and will yield more revenue than in the evolutionary step.