Examples for the what is a domain name example in brief.

Brief for the what is a domain name example and some of the examples as well and thanks for the solutions too.

Brief for the what is a domain name example and some of the examples as well and thanks for the solutions too.
The what is a domain name example is used to notify the domain of the website along with the Ip address too. They are also used overt the URL to notify the web pages as well. Every website will have the domain name too. Also it is as per the country wise also or can be universal too as per the users wish. Below show sits examples:
• for the government website the domain is ‘.gov’
• for the military ones ‘ .mil’
• for commercial uses ‘ .com’
• for USA it is ‘.us’
A domain name locates or finds an organization or other entity on the internet. It is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, control, or authority on the internet. For example, in the domain name “www.totalbaseball.com”, it places an internet address for “totalbaseball.com” where “www” is the host server. The “com” part of the domain name identifies the purpose or objective of the entity or organization.
The “com” part is also called the TLD or the top-level domain name and also stands for “commercial”. The “totalbaseball” part of the domain name is called the second-level domain name and also defines the entity or organization. On the internet, the domain name is part of the URL or the Uniform Resource Locator.
Using the DNS or domain name system, the URL informs the domain name server where to forward a request for a web page. The IP address which signifies a physical point on the internet is mapped to a domain name.