Excel document graphs not shown in printout

When I print an excel sheet with a graph printout not shows the graph. Print preview shows the graph. I use microsoft office excel 2007. Please check this issue.

When I print an excel sheet with a graph printout not shows the graph. Print preview shows the graph. I use microsoft office excel 2007. Please check this issue.
there is default in microsoft excel 2007 that is not allowing it to print gridelines. You could try changing from 600psi to 300psi to print. Try uninstalling microsoft excel 2007 word upgrade and each time your computer ask to up grade say no to this option especial if you were printing graphs before this upgrade.
First, I am assuming that your printer is working well and is properly connected to your computer. To solve your problem, do the following steps.
In the Format Axis – tab, click Patterns Color > Change color from Automatic to black
Click OK
Then save your document.