I know two ways to print a worksheet in which I used Window – Split, so that I print only those columns that interests me:
Hide columns that do not interest me, then I use Page Break View to ensure this page contains all the columns and Set Print Area to select what I need to be printed.
With Page Break View I set two pages with those two columns that interests me and give the printer settings to print the two pages on only one page.
I would like to ask if there is an easier and more intuitive way to achieve what I wrote above, without hiding columns or in the second case, without spaces between fields on the printed page. The file work with is always cut in half, left side is always fixed.
I have attached an example file (the columns in the right window are copied to enlarge their number) and a picture of what I would be interested to print
Thank you!
George G.
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5 points
Excel – print specific cells
Hi George!
Yes, there is a way on how to print the two pages on only one page in MS Excel. Here's how:
1. On the top left corner, left-click on the MICROSOFT OFFICE (circular-shaped) button then a drop-down menu will appear.
2. Scroll down and highlight PRINT. Another window will appear.
3. Left-click on PRINT PREVIEW.
4. Left-click on PAGE SET-UP to open up its window.
5. Under scaling, left-click on FIT TO option and choose 1 to fit your two pages to only one page.
6. If you have many columns in your worksheet, you may change your page orientation from portrait to LANDSCAPE.
7. Click on OK button.
8. You may click on PRINT to print the said page.
Excel – print specific cells
There is another way that you can print a selected area in Microsoft excel work sheet. Also it is easier than the above ways that you mentioned in your explanation.
You are able to use the following method in order to print a selected area.
First select the area you want to print in the work sheet.
I will take the same sheet that you have given. Please see the image below.
Then click on the window button (upper left corner) and click on the print preview option.
Now click on the print option.
Then a new window will be appeared. Click on the “select” check box and click Preview.
Now in the print preview it will show the print area as the selected area. If you click on the print only the selected area will be printed.