Excel what is the option called WorkSpace
Excel what is the option called WorkSpace
I have Excel 2007, what's the option in the View Tab > Save Workspace
Can i have why we need it and how to use it
Excel what is the option called WorkSpace
I have Excel 2007, what's the option in the View Tab > Save Workspace
Can i have why we need it and how to use it
WorkSpace is a great tool provided by Excel to help working at multiple worksheets at a time. You can open all the worksheets and adjust the window size of each worksheet on your screen. Then save as a workspace(*.xlw). Now, whenever you will open this file, all the worksheets will open at once, in the same manner you had saved. Workspace only provides a screenshots of your worksheets. Therefore, in case you have to backup your data, you need to save the worksheets individually and not the workspace file. You need to exit your workspace by clicking on "close all" in File menu.