Exception in acmgd.dll ARX Command with AutoCAD

I’ve been trying to find a solution with the error “Exception in acmgd.dll ARX Command – Unhandled Exception E0434F4D (e0434f4dh) at address 7c81EB33h” with AutoCAD.
Any fix about this?

I’ve been trying to find a solution with the error “Exception in acmgd.dll ARX Command – Unhandled Exception E0434F4D (e0434f4dh) at address 7c81EB33h” with AutoCAD.
Any fix about this?
The problem you are showing is that you are facing a problem which is in the software AutoCAD and the bug is some sort of DLL or command file as you have written in the statement of your question so the solution to this type of error is that:
1. The solution is in uninstalling the software and then installs the software again because the error is coming due to the missing of some files or corrupted files so fix this bug by uninstalling the software and then again install this software and it will start working.
2. If you don’t want to reinstall this software then you should try to update the version may be while in updating it also put the missing files or make the file correct which are corrupted so try this one and if still this error will come then you should chose the first option and install the again.
Hello Shad,
To resolve the issue that you are getting with AutoCAD, you will need to do the following:
You might also need to add Users and Everyone full control to the following file: C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319Configmachine.config
Hope this helps.