Exchange 2003 server account problems?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have an account that cannot receive emails. I am using the Exchange 2003 server. I have tried setting up the Exchange user on 3 computers and every time you pull more than half of your emails, and they hang on a certain percentage.

As of now it’s stuck at 57%, however, it hangs at a different percentage each time. Obviously not a matter of perspective, I’ve used Outlook 2003 and 2007 in 3 different computers, so it should be an issue of exchange / mailbox.

Any ideas on how i should  solve this problem?

Answered By 5 points N/A #153927

Exchange 2003 server account problems?



Certain things you have to ensure to solve this type of problem. The Sending and receiving mail server IP address should be known by your external DSN server.

Say, if your domain name is “X” which represents ISP, You have been using NAT router all along, then you have to put external DNS for conducting it. A record of domain actually subdomain is also needed for creating recording point for subdomain. Here, you may need to contact to your internet service provider (ISP).  They will do it for you

You may also need to open your ports in your router for further networking.

Thanks for your time

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