Hello everyone!
A few days back I got Exchange 2010 installed. Since then I have been being failed to send any emails to a particular domain. I couldn't figure out what is wrong with me. My assumption is that the problem lies with aol.com.
While sending emails I am getting the following message,
Delivery is delayed to these recipients or groups:
Do you have any idea? Please let me get of this garbage asap.
Thanks in advance.
Exchange 2010 – Delivery is delayed to these recipients or groups
Hi Grant,
Your Exchange server will issue that message if either of the two conditions are met:
• The sending server couldn't contact the delivery server to deliver the message.
• The sending server couldn't establish a connection with at that time.
Is your domain new or are you just using Exchange for the first time with your domain?
It could be that the AOL domain is marking your email messages as SPAM. You could contact AOL to ensure your domain is not on their black list – especially if this is happening to more than one AOL recipient.
I hope this helps.