Exchanging spreadsheets with co-workers using Windows 7
 I want to exchange spreadsheets with co – workers who are using Windows 7. Is there anyone who is interested? Is there any
 I want to exchange spreadsheets with co – workers who are using Windows 7. Is there anyone who is interested? Is there any
Hello Rizpah,
I am trying to understand your point. Are you trying to say that you have excel spreadsheets which you have created using another version of excel like ms excel 2003, and now you want to exchange to give them to your co-workers who are using ms excel 2007 and you are having a problem on how to do that?
Well, if that is your question then it is simple. You will just have to save the documents that you have created in the excel 2007 in the excel 97-2003 compatibility format so that the co-workers can be able to open them. But if you are using excel 2003 then no problem, excel 2007 will open the excel 2003 documents just fine.
Lee Hung