Expert in window mail contacts

Mail is a traditional way to contact with people and now we use window 2007 to do this,
which is so popular. How to be an expert in window mail contacts to outlook 2007?

Mail is a traditional way to contact with people and now we use window 2007 to do this,
which is so popular. How to be an expert in window mail contacts to outlook 2007?
I can see  two scenarios from your post. The word expert.
You just have to use and install Outlook 2007 in your computer.
It is very basic and has the same usage scenario as a regular email.
The only difference is that you can view your Emails even if you are online as long as the program has already fetched the information while you were online. Â
If you got a typographic error in your question and u mean the word expert to be Export, then that would be a different story.
If you have the list of the contact person ( Email Address ) you can just manually add it in the outlook by clicking on contacts and add contacts.
Otherwise, if you are referring to an existing Windows Live mail contact list  and you want to export it to Outlook then you can follow these procedures:
hope this helps
Loida Arcel
It is great software as compared to window’s live mail. It is more stable than window’s live mail. window’s live mail is only useful for online accounts like Hotmail. But ms outlook 2007 is a professional email editor.
So far as windows live mail contacts are concerned. It is only manual mapping that will allow you to import your contacts from windows live mail to ms outlook 2007.