I can't seem to figure, how exactly to move a button in HTML.
I have a menu but I want to move the buttons from the left to the right.
Unfortunately I can not provide you with the code I have, but I am sure that you know methods on how to move a button in HTML even without my initial code.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Explain how to move a button in HTML page
You can add the new place to a class:
.class {top:100; left:100;}
and then add that category dynamically through javascript:
elem.className = "class";
or you can straight set the inline design feature of top/left (or bottom/right, or top/right, or bottom/left)
elem.setAttribute('style', 'top:100px;left:150px;');
or you can use elem.style, whatever you like.
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I'm supposing you set the preliminary place with this CSS:
#theButtonID {
Well, all you have to do is set:
with(document.getElementById(theButtonID).style) {
   remaining = "64px";
   top = "128px";
Note that if you want a sleek activity, add this CSS to the button:
transition:top 1s convenience, remaining 1s ease;
-webkit-transition:top 1s convenience, remaining 1s ease;