I have been using Alfresco for a while, and now I face a problem new. I tried, or should I say I wanted to encrypt some folders, but haven't been able to. I searched online, and haven't found a proper solution for my problem. So I instantly came here to you. Can you help me and tell me how to encrypt a folder in Alfresco and what should I do?
Explan how to encrypt a folder in Alfresco software
To encrypt data in alfresco software you need to install IdealX plug-in.
This would be downloaded as zip file, extract it.
Encryption in alfresco requires changing of the code:
Open file: '/sources/src/com/idx/edoc/plugins/decipher/DecipherDialog.java'
Add up these lines in the code:
/** node service object*/
Protected NodeService nodeService;
In-between the following two lines:
Protected ContentService contentService;
/** The namespace property */
In the plug-in folder > Go to “sources” directory > type command on terminal > ant package-extension
A zip file is generated and saved in “sources” directory
Make another change in extension/encipher.jsp:
Change acceptCharset > acceptcharset
Copy the contents “samples/pkcs5-mimetype-map-extension.xml.sample” to 'tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/mimetype/mimetype-map.xml'
Now, extract the zip file contents > 'tomcat/webapps/alfresco' folder
Restart alfresco and “encrypt content” will appear in drop-down list in alfresco software.