Export Exchange 2010 Mailbox To PST Using Simple Steps

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi. I am not very familiar with the concept of IT. Can you please help me with the steps to export Exchange 2010 mailbox to PST? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance

Answered By 30 points N/A #104248

Export Exchange 2010 Mailbox To PST Using Simple Steps


Hi. To export Exchange 2010 mailbox to PST, click on file and then choose options. Next, from the options box in Outlook, click on advanced following which select export. Then, export to a file and click on next. Select the .PST file which needs to be exported and then click on next. Select the name of the account which is to be exported and it should be noted that information for one account only can be exported at one time.

Ensure that the include subfolders box is marked and then click on next. Select the location where the .PST file needs to be saved by browsing the location. Also, enter the name of the file and click on OK. Click on finish after you have decided what needs to be done with the exporting items. If a new .PST file is being created by you, then enter the password verify it and click on OK. If the file is being exported to an already existing file which is protected by password, then type the password in it and click on OK.

Hope we helped.

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