Export tables as .csv in Oracle SQL Developer for free?
I have been using Oracle SQL Developer, I have a lot of large tables generated which I would like to export into a .csv format. Is there a free way to do this?
I have been using Oracle SQL Developer, I have a lot of large tables generated which I would like to export into a .csv format. Is there a free way to do this?
Oracle is an enterprise ready database. To export .CSV using Oracle SQL Developer is very easy. You do not have to mess with PL/SQL codes. One way to do this is to create a Report in SQL Developer and export the results. Once the report is created and ran, right click on the results grid and choose “Export” from the context menu. In the next screen select CSV as the format and enter in the filename.csv and location.
You can also export a single table by right-clicking the table name in the object tree view. Select Export. Select CSV. The Export Data window shows up. Click Format tab. Select Format as: CSV. Enter a file name and location. Click Columns tab. Check the columns you wish to export. Click 'Where' tab and add any criteria needed to filter the data. Click Apply.