Extracting all files failed with Exception

Hi everyone,

Hi everyone,
Hello Nelson,
Looking at your issue with UDK installation I figured out couple of things. This error normally occurs when you try to extract from a corrupted ZIP or RAR file. I guess you tried the changing Compatibility method and also got unsuccessful. Here are some solutions to try out.
First before you install disable your antivirus or firewall. They sometimes treat archives as viruses and will delete some data instantly as you download. Then that file will become corrupted and that’s why you will get this error every time you try to install.
Also try to upgrade your OS to Service Pack 3 and then try to install UDK.
Other solution is even though you download UDK several times and even from different places your ISP will cache the same information so you keep downloading the same corrupted file you originally downloaded every time you download UDK again. So what you need to do is bypass your Router or modem.
Run the Setup using a VPN and installation will continue successfully without any errors.
Thank you.
Rubi Sharlene
That error you are receiving during installation is a CRC error. When you receive this error especially during setup, it means your installer or one of the setup files is corrupt. If you downloaded all three programs from a different website and all triggered a CRC error, try downloading from the program’s official website.
An installer, basically, is another form of compressed file and the setup files are stored inside. It is an executable archive that when you run, will extract the contents into a temp folder on the system drive and then launches the main setup file which then starts the installation.
Now, during the extraction of the setup files, if one of the files is corrupt, the extraction will halt then stopping the installation process.