Ezoomgps tracking is this legal to use?
Ezoomgps tracking is this legal to use?
As this is GPS and can be misused also
Whats the price of  Ezoomgps device?
Whats the range?
Ezoomgps tracking is this legal to use?
As this is GPS and can be misused also
Whats the price of  Ezoomgps device?
Whats the range?
Dear Wadud,
Ezoomgps is completely legal to use. Its just a personal Safety and tracking device. It can be used in a number of ways. It can be used to track down your car, your laptop, your personal belongings, etc. It can be easily installed on your vehicle. It is durable and has a battery life of 21 Days after every charge.Its price range is somewhere between 50$ to 150$. Â The chip size varies from cell phone size to fingertip size.
No, it is not illegal to use eZoom gps device as it is a plain matter of expecting security for your vehicle or your teenagers children as eZoom also offering personal tracking device to locate your teens where are they moving. The eZoom GPS tracker can get you accuracy of up to 15 yards, enough to navigate a pin-point place. Further, as per the official website, it costs $99.99 (inclusive of service fee).
Yes Ezoom is a Legal to use in the USA, eZoom is just a multi-use locator used to accurately pinpoint locations to you.
I am sure you are going to enjoy using ezoom because it help to track your stolen car, teen drivers and to also know when they over speed and also arrive at their destination.
The current market price of Ezoom is $99.99 and if you chose to buy it online it will be delivery to you in just two working days. The official site for the product is http://www.ezoomgps.com/home.aspx where you can buy it.
The range for an ezoom is about 15 yards
Hi, Ezoomgps is Legal and it is available 24hrs a day via Securus Website. It has A-GPS that quickly return the eZoom’s location. Its vicinity is identified by cell coverage area when GPS are not in view.
 They have Services Plan and Payment options. You can pay monthly, 1 Year in Advance or 2 Years in advance. If you’ll pay Monthly You’ll pay an upfront payment for $19.99, Activation payment (One-Time Nonrefundable) for $30.00 and $19.99 per month for recurring fee. For 1 year in advance you’ll pay an upfront payment for $179.88, $15.00 for activation payment, and $179.88 per year after the plan expires for recurring fee. And if you want to Pay 2 years in Advance you’ll pay an upfront payment for $311.76, $15.00 activation payment and $179.88 per year after the plan expires for recurring fee.
Hope This Helps.
Good Day!