Facebook designed a new safety centre.

We know that Facebook designed a new feature for the safety of the users. A new safety center is presenting here. Do you think it is helpful for the users and protecting themselves from unexpected harassment?

We know that Facebook designed a new feature for the safety of the users. A new safety center is presenting here. Do you think it is helpful for the users and protecting themselves from unexpected harassment?
Yes I think so, because new online safety center would learn from and with the most trusted safety organizations in the world. Face book safety center on a regular basis invite authors to blog about safety topics from cyberbullying to the importance of "Thinking before You Post." Face book collaborated with organizations like MTV and the BBC to educate its users about safe online behavior. Face book is working hard to make reporting abuse faster and simple. Face book has established a Safety Advisory Board to advise best practices to protect user from unexpected harassment.
New safety center has content organized by audience type and by topics for instance "Addressing Personal Safety" and "Responding to Objectionable Content." Parents will find special content in the "Safety for Parents" section with advice from face book partner and member of its Safety Advisory Board, Common Sense Media.
Face Book Safety Advisory Board has provided valuable advice and it continues working intimately with its partners to update and enhance the Safety Center. This commence only begins to accelerate face book efforts to make it a better and safer place to engage.
The safety center contains safety for teens, law enforcement, educators and parent special areas. It also has a general safety category. Already we have privacy and security. Safety center tells about If you receive unwanted message, then what should you do? And how manage yourself safe on Facebook? The safety center provides guideline about teens and parents. Law enforcement section provides guideline for terrorist activity. Education section provides resources for teachers and students alike. This safety center helps Facebook users from danger.
Safety center on Facebook helps increase security. I think it will surely help to users to protect themselves from unexpected harassment.Â