Facebook will transform Credits into currency?
Facebook will transform its "Credits" system to our local currency. Do our old credits transfer to our currency after this implemented?
Facebook will transform its "Credits" system to our local currency. Do our old credits transfer to our currency after this implemented?
The answer is NO, purchased credits cannot put back into your currency like pound, dollars or Dirham. These credits can only be used in purchasing some games or services that inside Facebook or Zynga’s loop.
Once you have a Facebook credit you can use this like cash when you want to purchase some coins or other materials that can be useful on what game you are on. As of now the equivalent of 10 Facebook credit is one dollar.
No, it doesn’t work that way. What they mean by that is you can now purchase Facebook credits using your local currency. Facebook credits are used to purchase coins and or tokens when playing some of the games offered by Facebook such as Farmville. But after purchasing Facebook credits you can no longer convert it back into your local currency.
If you want to purchase Facebook credits and use it to play flash games, you can use PayPal if you have an account. But if you don’t have an account, there are still other means of purchasing the credits. One is through your mobile phone. Most of the cellular network carriers nowadays are associated with Facebook.
They provide you ways how you can access Facebook and play games using your Smartphone. They also provide you a way how to purchase game credits and pay it using your mobile account.