Facetime type application for Blackberry like iPHONE

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Facetime type application for Blackberry like iPHONE

Does anyone know of app's

Best Answer by Charn Saly
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #124143

Facetime type application for Blackberry like iPHONE


Yes, there is a similar app for your blackberry called Oovoo. You can chat with anyone you like without paying an extra fee. Video chat is also available on the app. You can talk to up to a dozen people at once.

If you don’t feel comfortable with Oovoo there is another app called Tango.

It works the same way and is available on all platforms. 

Answered By 0 points N/A #124144

Facetime type application for Blackberry like iPHONE


Dear User,

There are so many application that you can install for the purpose of video and text chat

But in order to video chat you should have to have a phone with a front camera.

So if you Blackberry do have a front camera. Then yes you can even use Skype.

But without it no you can’t use face time alike app. Or video chat

Thank you.

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