Facing Age Of Empires Online Play Connection Issues.

I have a personal computer on which I play my favorite computer games. I am having problems with the Age of Empires online play system. What should I do?

I have a personal computer on which I play my favorite computer games. I am having problems with the Age of Empires online play system. What should I do?
If you can’t connect to the Age of Empires multiplayer game, it can be frustrating. Try some of the measures given below.
If you are having problems playing “Age of Empires Online,” make sure your computer meets the requirements. Age of Empires Online supports Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. Microsoft Windows 8.x and Microsoft Windows 10 are not officially supported.
The game requires 2 GHz or faster Dual-Core processor, 1 GB RAM, video card with 128 MB video RAM and Shader 2 support, and 2.5 GB free space. For a little history, the game was a multiplayer online real-time strategy game developed by Robot Entertainment and Gas Powered Games published by Microsoft and released on August 16, 2011.
Obviously, the game is based upon the gameplay of the “Age of Empires” series. This online version of Age of Empires was originally developed by Robot Entertainment. But then on February 24, 2011 the creators of “Supreme Commander,” Gas Powered Games, took over the production. Like any other online games, Age of Empires Online was free-to-play though premium content can be purchased or earned.
After a major overhaul patch, the game premiered on Steam on March 27, 2012 along with the debut of the Celtic civilization. Microsoft discontinued further development on the game on January 3, 2013 and they announced on the forums that the Games for Windows – Live marketplace would be shutdown on August 22, 2013.
They announced in September 2013 that the game would still be functional until July 1, 2014 which is the day the service would be shut down. They shut down the game because the content is too expensive to maintain. If you still want to try the game, visit AOEO For Ever.