Failed to add icon in Android SDK

How can I change the application icon in Android sdk using eclipse? It shows default icon, i want to replace it.

How can I change the application icon in Android sdk using eclipse? It shows default icon, i want to replace it.
Open eclipse. And open your application. In your application you can see resource folder as RES. Open RES folder. There you will see three folders named as drawable-hdpi, drawable-ldpi and drawable-mdpi.
Open each folder. You see a jpg or png file in each drawable folder. The icon you want to upload must be saved in your system. Save that picture or icon as png file. First delete all three pictures from the three folders. Copy your own icon or picture then paste it on all three folders. Keep in mind the name of your icon is same as the previous icon. All three must have the same name.
Now open the emulator by running the application it  takes a little time. Go to the menu through your virtual mobile. you will see the icon,  you have placed.