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10 points
Posted on - 10/01/2011
I'm sharif. I'm a student.  I'm using Windows XP in my computer for a while.  I have a broadband internet connection but in recent days, I have a problem. For some days back,  I can only access  the Google search page. If I search anything on Google, it shows the results but I can't access  them.  My internet connection  seems to be ok.  What could be the problem?  Please help me.
Failed to achieve internet access
Hi Sharif!
It could actually be a browser issue.  Are we using Firefox here?  Have you tried other browser like Internet Explorer or Chrome? If it does work with other browser, then what you can do is reinstall Firefox. If it will not work as well, then it could  be an issue with the server. Here is what you can try:
Go to command prompt : START- RUN – CMD, then do a ping test. If you will get a 0% loss, then that means it’s a browser issue. You can reset the settings of your browser to its default settings. If it does give you a 100% loss, then contact your Broadband Internet service provider for a possible DNS issue.
Failed to achieve internet access
Dear Sharif,
i think that your computer affected with virus, you may scan your pc with an update antivirus, remove the old internet explorer and use a update one. then you can relief from this problem.
With regards,