I have a Bandicam software from which I used for recording. It was working fine few days before and now, it is showing an error when saving a recording file. I did not change any settings or anything that will make this error to appear. Can someone please help me? Thank you.
Failed to create file.
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Failed to create file with Bandicam
Follow the steps provided below:
If you already set to save the file under your Network drive or USB device, it sometimes happen that you will not be able to access that saving folder. To fix this, click the […] from the General Tab on the Bandicam menu and then alter the saving folder to your Desktop or My Documents.
If the problem still persist, reinstall Bandicam.
Failed to create file with Bandicam
The error is because the software path is incorrect in the system.
To resolve this error follow the steps mentioned below:
1) Click 'Start', select 'Desktop' folder option
2) Click 'Target' button, select 'Rectangle on a screen' capture mode
3) Right click on the Internet Explorer, click 'Run as Administrator' option
4) Restart the Bandicam software in the system and the error will be solved