Failed to Install Nokia Maps 3.4

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hello experts,

I have a problem with the Nokia Maps. I have a 5800 with the newest 51.0.006 and I wish to install the latest updates. But when I tried to install the update, I could not begin the process. I tried for few times now and even tried the prior 3.4 version. I even tried to hard reset my phone but it is not helping at all. According to Nokia's email, I need to unpack the SIS file and run it on my phone. I don't know the whole process so please help me on this.


Answered By 0 points N/A #173279

Failed to Install Nokia Maps 3.4


This is a known conflict happening in more than one instance of Nokia devices.

Here is a way to solve your problem:

  1. Go to Menu, Settings, Application, Installed Apps.
  2. Uninstall the following apps: Open C LIBSSL Common and subsequent patch and the Standard C++ Library and subsequent patch.
  3. Restart your phone.
  4. Install maps_installer_3.04_10wk17_b07_s60_5.0.Nocs.sis

By uninstalling these apps you remove conflicts that were being created by existing software.

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