Failed to Run Task Sequence error in SCCM 2012

Asked By 90 points N/A Posted on -

Hello, I am getting the following  error from SCCM 2012 while trying to Deploy a task sequence. I am using the latest drivers available (it is a beta version) on SCCM 2012 RC test server. The packages have been created successfully and can be seen within the SCCM 2012 Console. The packages were distributed to the distribution point then added to an existing task sequence. Please give me a solution for this error.

Failed to run task sequence

The task sequence cannot be run because the program files for SCO00015 cannot be located on a distribution point. For more information, contact your system administrator or help desk operator.

Best Answer by Felipa Dolore
Answered By 10 points N/A #153406

Failed to Run Task Sequence error in SCCM 2012


Hello Janis,

To resolve that error, you will need to follow up the steps needed for installing Task Sequence, and then after that you will need to press F8 on your keyboard. When the error comes up you will just use the following in the DOS Box:

  • Diskpart
  • Select Disk 0
  • Clean

After you have finished with those steps, the boot process should be able to work just fine. The error therefore could probably be caused by wrong partitioning of the Disk in order for WinPE to handle it. So just try that and see if it works.

Hope this helps.




Answered By 0 points N/A #153408

Failed to Run Task Sequence error in SCCM 2012



I believe that you are encountering this problem because you might have created Site boundaries and a site Boundary group but didn’t add Site Server to the specific boundary group.

You also need to create the association of distribution point with newly created Boundary group. You can perform this operation in (Administration/security/distribution points).

I hope this helps and provides a solution.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 20 points N/A #153407

Failed to Run Task Sequence error in SCCM 2012

Fix this error by doing the following:
1. Go back to the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Console.
2. Open the console that has a "Monitoring" section. This option lets you check the status of SCCM 2012 components.
3. Go to Selecting Overview > Distribution Status > Content Status. This will allow you to check the status of individual packages.
4. Select the Package that is reporting an error which SCO00015.
5. Right Click this package then select View Status.
6. Select the In Progress tab. By looking at the description, it confirms that the package has not been updated on the distribution point.
7. Go back to the Software Library > Overview > Application Management > Packages > VMware, Inc. You will see the packages created by Driver Manager.
8. Right-click on the VMware-Virtual-Platform-Win7-x86-2 package (SCO00015).
9. Select Properties.
10. Under the Distribution settings tab, the setting "Manually copy the content in this package to the distribution point" is selected by default. Change this option to "Automatically download content when packages are assigned to distribution point".
11. Click the “Apply” button.
12. Right-click on the package.
13. Select "update distribution point".
14. The distribution point should update successfully.

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