Asked By
Bird dodson
0 points
Posted on - 11/30/2012
I upgraded my pc to windows XP to windows 7 but my pc doesn't start up even in safe mode. I changed the boot from CD Drive and then from the Hard Disk but still it is not responding and my Windows start for an hour. Now I can't even downgrade anymore to its original windows XP That is not running from a CD.
Failed to upgrade Windows XP to Windows 7
Hi Bird,
Your case needs a special treatment to solve your problem. Here are the following causes might problems occur:
1. Hardware requirements of your windows installer cannot meet the machine.
2. Windows installer in Corrupted or unreadable.
3. Main Memory is losing.
1. Check for the Hardware requirements of your windows installer.
2. Obtain a fresh copy of your windows installer from Microsoft Corporation.
3. Check your Machine RAM.
Failed to upgrade Windows XP to Windows 7
Hi Bird,
Thanks for sharing your problem with us.
Dear please check your hardware profile first, does it supported by windows 7.
Windows 7 is latest package of Microsoft windows.
Kindly check that your RAM or main memory is more than 1 GB.
Your CPU is supported by windows 7.
Windows 7 can be installed via DVD Rom not by CD Rom.
Do you have More than 15 GB Hard Disk drive Partition.
If one of these will missing, the setup will fails.
Kindly Check all these things.
Failed to upgrade Windows XP to Windows 7
Hello Dear Bird,
Dear it seems that you have not such profile of hardware that Windows 7 requires to be installed on.
This is a latest version of windows that Microsoft Company has produced.
You should have the minimum RAM capacity of 1 GB to install and run windows 7 properly on your computer.
The CPU should also have the compatibility running with Windows 7.
And you have to get a DVD Rom to install windows 7 because it is only available on DVD not on CD.
After making sure these things try to update again. Then it will run.