Failure in CMOS Battery when shutting down PC

My CMOS fails each time I shut down my computer. I have looked into the battery but it seems okay. Is the problem with the motherboard? It is an asus p5w DH deluxe.

My CMOS fails each time I shut down my computer. I have looked into the battery but it seems okay. Is the problem with the motherboard? It is an asus p5w DH deluxe.
Have you installed new motherboard or removed battery recently? How old your motherboard? Here is a common thing you can do. Remove the battery for about 30 minutes and replace it or use jumper to clear CMOS. Now set settings to default and save. I hope it will work for you.
If you're encountering this problem, try to clear the CMOS. You may do it through resetting it's factory default settingsin the BIOS Option Menu or you may also clear CMOS using motherboard jumper or by removing and reinstalling again the CMOS battery. If your system date and time is becoming slow or incorrect (for example it keeps on resetting to 1990) your CMOS battery is already dying and you need to replace it. If your motherboard is not that old to encounter such problem try to troubleshoot by referring to its manual.
I hope I've gave you an idea to solve your problem.
Hello there,
Most of time CMOS problem encounters because of CMOS battery failure. You can try to discharge the CMOS, so that the CMOS would clear. Clearing CMOS is easy, just follow the steps:
1.      Unplug the power cable.
2.      In motherboard set the jumper in the opposite pin and the middle one.
3.      Now press the power button and hold that for at least 15 seconds.
The CMOS reset is complete. Now again reboot the computer and if your computer show the same problem than you must have to change the CMOS battery.
Thank you,
 Riley Weaver.