Failure of Hyper-v R2 VM

I have been running a lot of VM types on Windows 2008 R2 server itself with the help of Hyper-V role which I made installation since 2010 of November and also even I updated the server to Service Pack1 to keep the server updated. I didn’t install any antivirus and processor is on type Intel Core i7 with RAM of 6GB and I have tried to start it as 4 VMs for the 3rd VM I have got the following error as shown in the image and please help me to solve the problem as soon as possible.
Thank You.

An error occurred while attempting to start the selected virtual machine(s).
BrickXA65-01'faild to start.
Unable to allocate 768 MB of RAM: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. (0x800705AA)
BrickXA65-01'faild to start. (Virtual machine ID 66526684-7ADB-467c-B48A-CF539DFE2D88)
BrickXA65-01'is Unable to allocate 768 MB of RAM:Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.(0x800705AA)..(Virtual machine ID 66526684-7ADB-467c-B48A-CF539DFE2D88) BrickXA65-01'is Unable to allocate 768 MB of RAM:Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.(0x800705AA)