Asked By
noel leal
10 points
Posted on - 05/11/2012
It could not connect to WHITEHALL or address was the error message that appeared when I attempted to print a document. What error is this? Should I also bring a digital copy of my document with me to campus when I use Laptop Printing from home?
Installation failed.    Â
The installation failed. A detailed log has been written    Â
to ControllerLog.txt. Select here to open the folder in Explorer
Failure in printing a document
What type of document are you using? Are you able to connect to the remote computer using just the ordinary ftp protocol? If so then you need not get the laptop ion your campus.
It is that you have to bring the digital copy always for your safe side. Next it is that in order to print a document, if the network is making problems, then the best way to print is to copy the file in the local computer then print it. Try bringing it to the local computer using the FTP protocol. Share the folder of purpose. Get it using URL. copy it then print.