Fake Instagram on the loose

Fake Instagram, is this the new way of the bad guys to get through your system and access your information unauthorizedly?

Fake Instagram, is this the new way of the bad guys to get through your system and access your information unauthorizedly?
The Fake Instagram program that have recently plagued android phones. The app is basically trying to imitate the popular image sharing program "Instagram".The Fake instagram works by, once the fake app is downloaded it installs malware onto your android device and sends text messages to your contacts, without you knowing it (it works in stealth mode). The message that the program sends is to entice the recipient into signing up for premium services that does not exist, in order for the developer of the fake program to make money.The problem is that, its not only you that will be affected but also the people you know.
I think this is the beginning of mobile espionage. This problem is very similar to viruses that infect computers running on Microsoft Windows. Before the usual target of malware and viruses are users running Microsoft Windows on their computers. But lately, there have been several reports that Mac OS X users are starting to be infiltrated by Trojan horses particularly a Trojan horse called Flashback.
If programmers are starting to create fake applications and intend to circulate it via mobile phones then I think it’s more serious since this is the device that a person frequently accesses every day. The only way to avoid installing these kinds of fake phone applications is to download the software directly from the app store or from its official website. I’ve also learned a different fake application some months ago that pretends to be a legal application. When a user successfully installs it, the phone’s personal information will immediately be sent to remote servers and there’s no telling who will have access to your data.