Hello guys.
I am kinda having this problem. You see my kid and I were doing his project for school. The project is to create a somewhat like a family tree depiction of our lineage. So I downloaded this software called Family Tree Maker 2012. While doing so it prompted an error that I have attached below. Can anybody help me with this matter. The project is due in a week.
Thanks for the help in advance.
Family Tree Maker 2012 – Install Wizard
Unable to download installation data from the web
Family Tree Maker 2012 Install Wizard Unable to download installation data
Hi Gary,
This error occurs due to two possible reasons: System Requirements Not fulfilled or Installed Antivirus Software blocking a couple installation files.
The minimum system requirements for the Family Tree Maker 2012 are as below:
Operating System:Microsoft Windows® XP SP3 / Vista™ / Windows® 7 (32 or 64 bit)
Processor:500 MHz Intel Pentium® II (or equivalent)
Hard Disk:639 MB for installation
Memory:512 MB of RAM
CD-ROM Drive:2x CD-ROM (required for installation)
Monitor:800 x 600 resolution
If your system meets the above requirements, then you will need to now check on your Antivirus settings.
Some of the supportive files required for the Family Tree Maker 2012 application, are detected and blocked by the antivirus software from installing
into the system.
Follow the steps as below to resolve this issue:
Restart your system
1) Temporarily Switch Off the AUTO DETECT / AUTO BLOCK settings of your Antivirus software.
2) Reinstall the Family Tree Maker 2012 software again. The software will install successfully.
3) Switch On the AUTO DETECT / AUTO BLOCK settings of your Antivirus software.