Asked By
abel zurich
0 points
Posted on - 06/04/2012
FCP 7 is causing trouble while doing a work and sending it to compressor. Until completion it runs and about 20 minutes I get a failed message. "Failed: QuickTime Error: 0.” What causes this problem? While trying to send my project from Share to Bluray I also get a QuickTime error.
Any help will be appreciated.
FCP7 is causing the trouble
The speed of the network can be set high. I mean is that the computer feels that the feedback from the server will arrive sooner than the actual speed of the network. This speed must be controlled and is found in the software you are using. These systems offer tremendous problems with the programming functions. All these software are not debugged to their optimum state. Only some features are tested and then released. More errors may occur with the software. All you can do is post the problem in the internet at the forums of this software. You will get a good reply. Thanks.
FCP7 is causing the trouble
If you are using Final Cut Pro 7, make sure your computer meets the requirements. Final Cut Pro 7 supports OS X 10.5.6 Leopard or higher. It requires Mac with Intel processor, 1 GB RAM, NVIDIA or ATI video card with 128 MB video RAM (Intel HD Graphics 3000 is also supported), 1280 x 800 minimum screen resolution, and QuickTime 7.6 or higher.
Since the error was related to QuickTime, try updating QuickTime to version 7.6 or higher. Download QuickTime Player 7 and install it to update your existing version. You are probably using an older version that’s why it keeps triggering an error with QuickTime. See if this works.