Features for the web based help desk software and notify too.

Notify the web based help desk software and also list the key features for the same as well as reference and thanks for the solutions too.

Notify the web based help desk software and also list the key features for the same as well as reference and thanks for the solutions too.
The web based help desk software can be sued to solve the problems very easily over the system too and they provide the services such as 24×7 helpline of the customers and also have the call back feature by the company too, and the chat supports too. It will generate the ticket and the same keep the track record s of it and manages the issues too. Same is solved within 24 hrs or less as per the queries/ below shows the features:
• Has 24×7 support to customers
• Simple GUI to users
• Can easily install the same
• Gets 30 days trail packs