Features for Secured Browsing and User Privacy

What enhanced features of internet explorer that makes it advantage from other browsers especially secured browsing and protecting users privacy?

What enhanced features of internet explorer that makes it advantage from other browsers especially secured browsing and protecting users privacy?
Listed below are the most important main reasons why internet Explorer is that successful web browser and can compete with the other browsers on the market.
1. Security zones. Security Zones is one of the most important features that give Internet Explorer apart from other browsers. It basically allows you to adjust different security level for different websites. So, the ones you trust any website can have cookies writing enabled by default with the pop up blocker disabled, the ones you know are bad can be fully blocked and the ones you haven’t yet visited can inherit the default settings.
2. Private browsing. At last, Microsoft introduced a Private Browsing mode in their web browser Internet Explorer. Private browsing feature of Internet Explorer 8 version is very similar to that found on the other browsers. This feature will automatically delete all the history and cookies from the sites you visited during that time.
3. Anti-phishing filter. Anti phishing filter feature is a must for all the browsers nowadays. Internet Explorer 8 has one that is pretty good. It can certainly protect you from most phishing websites and warn you about potentially harmful sites.
4. Pop up blocker. IE 8 has an integrated pop up blocker. It is good standard, but it works in most of the cases. Of course, it will not block the pop ups that are initiated due to user fault (clicking on a link or button) and those written in JavaScript.
5. Integration with Windows Firewall, Defender and antivirus software. Another unique property of IE 8 besides the Security Zones feature is its ability to fully integrate with the default Windows Firewall and Defender. This allows you to have a safe web browsing experience.
According to a study, Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 is the most secure web browser than with Google Chrome. Security experts investigate the security features of the four major web browsers and these are Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari. And out of these four web browsers, Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 has the best performance when it comes to malware protection. Each of the four web browsers was tested on computers running on Windows 7 operating system with all available updates installed.
And the results are astonishing because Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 was able to block 95% of malicious activity according to NSS Labs. Google Chrome was on the second place and was able to block 33% while Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari were at the bottom list blocking only less than 6% of the malicious activity.