Fedora 18 with 256 terminals
Is it true that Fedora 18 has 256 terminal color support. How exactly we can change these terminal colors. Can we customize our own colors for the terminals?
Is it true that Fedora 18 has 256 terminal color support. How exactly we can change these terminal colors. Can we customize our own colors for the terminals?
Yes, It is true that Fedora is going to launch a 256 terminal support in its upcoming release of fedora 18 which is not yet released and expected to be released in November. This feature initially was a controversy but later most of the people agreed to implement the 256 color support. The main thing is existing terminals will allow us to change only 8 colors but with the latest support we change it to 256 colors. Even fedora is trying to add support for yum and rpm in Fedora 18 which will be an added advantage for the fedora. RPM till now was supported for Suse and redhat but now it is being applied to Fedora also.