Ffvideosource not found – Looking for solution

Hi guys,
I am currently using VirtualDub 1.9.11, avysinth 2.5.8, ffmpegsource plugin,CCCP and MPEG-2 plugin for Virtualdub.
I am new in these things so I need your guidance.
When I run a script in virtualdub, I get the following error on my screen:

VirtualDub Error
Error during script execution at line 1, column 14: Variable ffvideosource not found
ffvideosource< !> (‘D:AMV’Materialy[Dymy][Durarara][O1-24][BIG5][1
To get rid of this error, I wrote the following code:
loadplugin("C:Program FilesAviSynth 2.5pluginsffms2.dll")
But even then I get the same error. I have also reinstalled Avisynth but still the problem persists.
Has anyone any idea how to get rid of this error as soon as possible. I am stuck here.
Looking forward to your views