I want to launch a new product in the market but before that, I want to know customer’s review about our old products can I apply sentiment analysis? What are the other fields in which sentiment analysis can be used and how someone can be beneficial with it?
Fields Of Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment analysis is one of the most beneficial ways to conduct a review. Sentiment Analysis is used to determine that a piece of text is positive, negative and neutral. Sentiment Analysis can also be conducted with the help of NLP (Natural Language Processing). Various classifiers and modules are used to classify a piece of text such as naïve Bayes, logistic regression and many more. 
There are various steps in performing sentiment analysis such as The user will give the input then tokenization will take place that is the sentence is divided into words. Then filtering of stop words take place that is words that are not needed and have no meaning in a sentence is removed such as a the, an, etc. Then classification takes place which means using all those algorithms to determine the sentiment value.
Sentiment analysis can be used in various fields such as politics, brand reviewing, online advertising, product reviews and many more. It is one of the most beneficial technology as it can never be false any review or any sentiment value based on any user input will give honest review about the product which will only lead on giving the true review to the company so the company may know that should they improve their product or not.