Hi experts! I am using Windows Vista and 7. While I am playing a Game on Game Explorer in it, I get this error message: This File Does Not Have a Program Associated with it."
Can anyone help me? Please. Thanks a lot.
File Doesn’t Have a Program Associated with It when Playing a Game
Hi Debrajbartels,
Sorry to hear that you are having problems with trying to play a game using WIN 7.
Rest assured we'll do everything we can to help you out
This is a common problem on WIN7. To resolve this, you need to:
1.) click on the start button ("windows" button usually located on the lower left hand corner of the screen)
2.) just above the start button, there's a box that says: "search programs and files". Please type the word "regedit" and then hit "Enter". If you have a security software it might block you but please choose to continue.
3.) This is where it gets tricky: Look for "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTLnkfile"
4.) then go to the folder named "Inkfile" click on edit.. then click on string value then rename the newly created string as "IsShortcut"
If done correctly, it will appear like this:
5.) Close everything and restart & there you will have it
Hope that helps!
Paul Pinalb
File Doesn’t Have a Program Associated with It when Playing a Game
Do not worry. This problem happens with many other users who use Windows Vista or 7. It happened because you have deleted a string value in Registry Editor known as the “IsShortcut” String or you might have used some softwares to remove the shortcut link from icons.
Follow this procedure to fix your problem:
1 Open the “run” window. Then type regedit and press Enter. Now select HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfile
2. Then create a new string with the name IsShortcut
3. Close the register editor and all other programs and restart Windows. The problem will be fixed.
Wishing you have a happy gaming time.