File Privacy Using Steagnos Locknote

Hello friends
How do i hide files or make privacy for my files with invisibility to others using Steagnos Locknote?
Help would be appreciated!

Hello friends
How do i hide files or make privacy for my files with invisibility to others using Steagnos Locknote?
Help would be appreciated!
Steagnos Locknote is a very useful tool to keep you files private and safe.
1. Download the software.
2. Install the software.
3. Type some text and close Steagnos Locknote when you are done.
4. What you typed will be encrypted using password, which you supply.
5.You can also drop text document on Steagnos Locknote to turn them into encrypted self-opening documents as well.
6. You can start over by removing all text.
7. You can also clear the text field to reset the password.
8. For further support contact me again.
Caringal Cheong
Steganos LockNote is your best choice when encrypting and decrypting confidential notes. It is independent, secure, simple, and portable because it doesn’t require any installation. It works on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. With this program you can store your most important notes as a LockNote.
This is useful when you want to hide passwords, serial numbers, phone numbers as well as everyday notes like in a diary in a safe location. Your information will be encrypted with a password using the latest AES 256-bit encryption technology. It is the simplest and securest program to store your confidential data.
To open your data simply double-click the file, enter your password, and then access your information just like before. It also doesn’t require any installation. You can move your LockNote files anywhere you want and as often as you want. The LockNote document doesn’t require big space compared to unencrypted files. See image.
To download, visit Steganos LockNote 1.0.4.