File recovering on HD drive

The 1TB Iomega networked media drive is not identify. I want to get back again all my files on HD before I am going to turn my car above the new paper value. Please share your ideas. Thank you.

The 1TB Iomega networked media drive is not identify. I want to get back again all my files on HD before I am going to turn my car above the new paper value. Please share your ideas. Thank you.
Nelson White
To address this issue, you have to risk the warranty being void, because, you will have to take it out of its casing and connect to a SATA port of a Linux O/S computer. If you try this on a computer with windows operating system, it will not be recognized as the Iomega uses Linux Operating system on its drives to operate on network.
After the drive is properly connected, you can recover the data to a temporary place of your computers drive. Then again you have to get a new drive, Format it Linux partitions, and install the Firmware operating system so the drive can work on network, then only you can load your data to this new drive.
To perform the formatting, and loading the firmware, get the instructions from the site
Good luck
Hi Nelson,
Before you start thinking of recovering your hard drive you should confirm how it crashed because some damage to the hard disc could cause a permanent damage. If your hard drive crashed after a power surge it is highly likely it is completely damaged. Also if you had earlier formatted the hard disk it would be impossible to recover files from it.
Lastly if the hard disk way physically damaged i.e. dropped, then it would also be impossible to recover files from it too. If all the above options are out then you can proceed to recover the files through the following steps: connect the hard disc externally to a computer. Acquire a software called SpinRite from and install it on the computer you are using to recover the data. It is an easy software to use with non technical users. If you have a disc to recover to then GetDataBack is the software of your choice. You can get it at
You can go to the iOmega Support Page to ask about your query. Just select the product you have and click on it. Or you can also use a Recovery tool to get your data back again on your hard drive. I would recommend Pandora Recovery which is a great help on recovering your files no matter where it is. Just get it from the link below: