File Size Of Paint Shop Pro X4 Download And Various Other Features.

Hello, notify the file size for paint shop pro x4 download and its various features as well as it’s supported OS for the same too. Thanks for solving.

Hello, notify the file size for paint shop pro x4 download and its various features as well as it’s supported OS for the same too. Thanks for solving.
Hey, the paint shop pro x4 download file size will not be more than 300 Mb and can be installed from the internet easily and also it is supported in various platforms such as in windows like in windows XP , windows 7 and any other windows platform is supported under it as well. Below show sits key features for the same:
• It is used to import the pictures automatically.
• Can print or email the shared photos as well.
• Has an add effects features to the photo projects, etc.
• Can instantly fix the problems such as color or the sharpness.
• It has advance features of editing tools as well.
PaintShop Pro X4 comes with a big range of additional pieces of software and tools. It is available in Standard, Ultimate, and Photo and Video Ultimate versions. It has the following new features:
Enhanced features for X4:
Some of the other features in PaintShop Pro X4 include support for 50 file formats, makeover tool (eye drop (removes red from bloodshot eyes), suntan, toothbrush mode, thinify, blemish fixer), Auto Preserve Originals, picture tubes, picture frames and photo edges, Crop to New Image, Learning Center, colour changer tool, blemish fixer, high pass filter, visible watermark, one step photo fix and smart photo fix, scratch remover tool, black and white film effect, time machine, smart carver, red eye removal, noise removal, adjustment layers, perspective correction tool, depth of field effect, curves and levels adjustment, lens distortion correction filters, and more.
PaintShop Pro X4 supports Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. It requires 1.5 GHz or faster processor, 1 GB RAM, 1 GB hard drive space, 1024 x 768 16-bit screen resolution, optical drive for installation, and internet connection for program updates.