FIM 2010 password portal is published over Internet however users are not able to reset passwords using the internet link. When accessing the link, the error below appears. Any suggestions?
A service proxy exception was encountered while running the Password Reset application
Error text: An unexpected error has occurred. Please contact helpdesk or your administrator.
Error code 40007
FIM 2010 password portal shows error
This error occurs due to the fact that your FIM Service address is correct but FIM portal site is not Ok. In order to make your SSPR functionality to work properly you have to initiate your registration using this program:
c:windowssystem32MsPwdRegistration.exe , and then reset your password registration.
You should not change any of your browser settings unless you use this program.
FIM 2010 password portal shows error
This can be a result of misconfiguration of Extensions and Add-Ins during set-up. During installation you will be prompted to provide an FIM service server address. At this point you will need to type in the FQDN of the FIM service server without typing in the protocol or the port. This should help resolve the issue.