Find out about the Debian operating system

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

What are Debian branches such as “stable”, “testing” and “unstable”? Is it open source? How many languages available in it? What is ATP tool and how to use this? How is important Package management? Can Debian boot from USB drives? How is minimum memory, processor clock speed and hard disk space required to set this up? Which type of programming language can set this up? Can I access the internet and installed browser on this operating system? Describe about multimedia features. Thank You

Answered By 0 points N/A #171958

Find out about the Debian operating system



             The debian project is individuals who did cause to create a free operating System. The OS we have created is called Debian.

             The operating system is a set of basic program your computer run.

             The Kernel is a core operating system. The most fundamental program is a kernel of the computer and basic housekeeping and let's start other programs.

             The work in progress provides debian for other kernel primarily the Hurd is a collection of Linus Torvalds supported thousand programmers.

              The operating system FreeBSB includes kernel and other softwares. This tool is free also.

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