Find A Solution To Log Onto This Remote Computer Error
When I am trying to access the server through remote desktop, I am receiving an error that to log onto this remote computer. How can I resolve this error?
When I am trying to access the server through remote desktop, I am receiving an error that to log onto this remote computer. How can I resolve this error?
You need administrator rights to access the server through remote desktop and if you have not the admin rights, you can follow these steps to resolve this issue:
• Type gpedit.msc in the Run command.
• Click on Computer Configuration.
• Go to Security Settings in the Windows Settings.
• Click on the Local Policies.
• Open User Rights Management.
• Check the Allow log on through Remote Desktop Services option.
• And add the Remote users to the Policy.
• Click on Apply and Ok.
• Now, in the run command, type: gpupdate /force