Finding duplicate photos cluttering my PC

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Can anyone help me giving instructions about how to find duplicate photos quickly those are cluttering my PC and manage them using ‘VisiPics’?

Answered By 5 points N/A #143982

Finding duplicate photos cluttering my PC



Thus the instruction to find duplicate image on your computer,

Follow this instruction:

1. Install VisiPics on your computer.

2. Launch VisiPics program, click File then Add Folder.

Launch VisiPics program- click File then Add Folder.

3. A Pick Directory window will pop up, choose a directory you want to search for a duplicate image then click OK.

Pick Directory window pop up-choose directory

4. The directory location will show up in a program, you can add more directory by clicking on a directory tree and click (+) button, the folder will show up below the first folder you add.

You can also delete the folder from the list by clicking (-) button.

5. Click on Play button (A button with green triangle).

6. The duplicate images will show up in the left side column.

7. Mark the duplicate images you want to delete, move or rename then click ok.

Mark the duplicate images you want to delete, move or rename

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