Firefox update Plus Ad Ons Error

Sweet morning but critical issues.
I am here with a error message of Firefox add-ons.
If you look at the error message you will see that there are 4 add-ons that I had installed on Firefox and they got installed well without any error but just after all these were installed with Firefox and Firefox restarted at that point Firefox responded with this error message that these add-ons are not compatible with this version.
The following add-ons are not compatible with this version of Firefox and have been disabled:
Firebug 1.05
Google toolbar for Firefox 3.0.20070525W
Smart Digg Button 1.01
Switch Proxy Tool 1.4.1
Firefox can check if there are compatible versions of these add-ons available.
So when I click the check now button so Firefox can search out the exact add-ons of these ones which will be compatible with this version, then Firefox searches for a while and then send a message to close Firefox search finished nothing found.
So please can anyone send me these add-ons but only in those formats and versions which will be compatible with my Firefox 3.06 version