I remembered one crash where Fireworks CS5 used to crash on editing a symbol which had an empty name. This crash is also fixed along with the other crashes fixed for Fw CS5.1 release? Or is there another way to solve this ?
Thanks !
Fireworks has recovered files from last session. The recovered files can be found in the folder:
/OS X 10.6.6 US/Users/sarthak/Desktop/Fireworks
Recovered/Apr 15,2011 4.15.56 PM
Fireworks cs5 crash on editing a symbol
I guess if your operating is only Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and not 10.6.6 Snow Leopard, Adobe Fireworks CS5 will run without crashing. Adobe Fireworks CS5 and Adobe Fireworks CS5.5 have the same system requirements so I think there won’t be a difference installing either of the two. But I may be wrong about this since I’m not actually using a Mac PC.
If you have Mac OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard until 10.7 Lion, you can install Adobe Fireworks CS6. For users running Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and 10.9 Mavericks, you can still install older versions such as Adobe Fireworks CS5, CS5.5, or CS6 provided you have an Intel-based system. If you still experience program crashing, try reinstalling the program.
Or you can also update your operating system to the latest Mac OS X if an update is available. Adobe Fireworks was formerly known as Macromedia Fireworks and on May 6, 2013, Adobe announced that they would be phasing out Adobe Fireworks. They will still continue to give security updates and maybe bug fixes as well but doesn’t have plans on adding new features aside from what Adobe Fireworks CS6 has.